Data science is booming exponentially in almost all parts of the world. Data scientists are highly sought after because they seem to have the “magical” ability to create value from data for data-driven companies and organizations.
Today, anyone can become data scientists because of the internet. You don’t need a college degree in Computer Science or a Ph.D. in Deep Learning to be qualified as a data scientist. As long as you can do what companies want you to do proffer valuable insight from data and help them grow their business and make decisions then you are a data scientist.
Data Science online courses with questionable prices are flooding the internet, most of which are not affordable. Instead of surfing the internet, why not go to YouTube? YouTube a great platform to learn because of its ability to visualize complex topics.
With Covid-19 keeping everyone in their homes, this is the perfect opportunity to start learning something new, and why not make that Data Science? A field that is booming and is playing a huge role in society. Instead of reading it up from a book, follow these YouTubers and gain insights and advice from their years of experience in the field. Plus you can learn how to code by following through their tutorials and pick up a new skill.
Here is the list of top 10 youtube channels to learn data science in 2020
2. Sentdex
3. Datacamp
5. Edureka
6. Krishnaik
9. Code basics
Happy Watching!!!!
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